Eddie Van Bonkhertz

What is it?

If you are unaware of what EVB is, I am about to make your life 20 times better. EVB is the initials of Eddie Van Bonkhertz who wrote a book called True Memoirs of a Disgraced Clown, which is the story of his life. We often call the book EVB because the title is a mouthful. This website is about the book, and Eddie's life story. There is also something called the EVB Text Game. It is a game where you play as Eddie, going about an alternbate story, choosing what paths you take. As you can probably guess, it is an entirely text-based game. Don't let that discourage you though, because it has a complex money system, over 50 items you can collect in game, and most importantly it is filled with references to the book, despite the story being different. The game is available in the 'Game' tab and a sample of the book is available in the 'Story' section. You will so be able to buy the book as an ebook on most platforms and on our shop as a paperback. If you are looking to discuss the awe-inspiring manuscript with other people, chekc out our subreddit in the links page. If you want updates about everything EVB related, sign up for our newsletter. If you want to test your EVB knowledge, try out the EVB Quiz.


      We started 'True Memoirs of a Disgraced Clown' as an email reply to bob123@gmail.com, to whom we accidentally sent an evernote password reset email. It somehow evolved into the adventures of a reckless lunatic. Such things as creating memorable characters like Shoeburt Papadopoulos, Fuick McOles (Gerbils), and The Leeeeeeeeeeeeggg, really add to the story. There are a ton of memorable quotes as well, see those in the quotes page.

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© 2019 Eddie Van Bonkhertz

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