
Go to the 'Contact' page at the top of the screen and email us your review along with a #/5 rating to get it up on this review page. (First names will be displayed)

"EVB was the single greatest story I have ever written."


"A life-changing story that moves each reader, definitely a 13/5."

-Eddie Van Bonkhertz

"A beautiful creation that I am proud to have my name on."

-Anonymous Writer

"I got an omleting once. Ahh, the glory days. This book really brings me back."

-Professional Omlettie

"So freaking good."


"What a great story. 5 out of 5. Just pure genius!!!!"

-Torin (Co-Writer)

"Totally a 47% out of Awesom!"


"I wish I was illiterate."

-Book Reviewer

"Quite Possibly, the worst thing I have ever read."

-World Renowned Reader

Disclaimer: Some reviews may be false or otherwise misleading.

© 2019 Eddie Van Bonkhertz

Creative Commons License